Merrid Controls Sp. z o.o. has ThinManager Certificated Level Integrators in it’s team. ThinManager, Rockwell Automation platform, ensures centralized and safe configuration, management of different transfer sources and users access as well mobile devices. It provides easy design of customized views which facilitate decisions. ThinManager software secures flexibility and scalability for modern factory through centralized [...]
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In the beginning of the January 2020 Merrid Controls' Team participated in the conference "@ZBRUI - CYFROWE ZBIORNIKI, RUROCIĄGI, INSTALACJE PRZEMYSŁOWE", which was organised by Automatic Systems Engineering. In this year's edition conference’s formula was adjusted to technological progress and there were references to Digital Transformation, Intelligent Industry, Industry 4.0, Big Data, Machine Learning and [...]
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Merrid Controls, as organization marked out with Gold Card of Safety Work Leader 2019-2020, we have pleasure to participate in XXII Conference Safety Work Leaders „Work in future” organised by CIOP-PIB. The meeting took place 14-15.11.2019 in Warsaw and was a great opportunity to become acquainted with forecast about occupational risk relevant to work environment [...]
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Merrid Controls’ team attended in the biggest event in Central and Eastern Europe dedicated exclusively to application development on the .NET platform, which took place 24-25 of October 2019. During this year’s Warsaw conference the MC Team has an excellent opportunity to participate in training sessions out of 43 available. The conference was a perfect [...]
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During the last days of September 2016 took place the XI edition of the ELGOR conference. It was an opportunity to present the latest technical solutions for the open pit mining industry. Merrid Controls was a partner of the conference. Company presented, in cooperation with the Representatives of PGE GiEK and Siemens, SCADA WinCC OA system basing on the example […]
On the 21th of April, 2016 Merrid Controls organized conference “IT and automation branch quarter-century” celebrating 25 years of business activity.
Commencing as of the 01st of September 2014 the Company has changed the address to: Merrid Controls Sp. z o.o. ul. Ratajska 12 91-231 Łódź Please as of the 01st of September 2014 issue the invoices and send the correspondence to the new address. Please update Company details in Your database accordingly.
Merrid Controls took part in the project of modernization Grupa LOTOS Fuel Terminal in Poznań. Company implemented the system SAMER® which controls the fuel distribution process. On the 23th of June 2014 took place the ceremonial opening of the modernized Terminal.
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